Monday, August 13, 2012

Chad Johnson, Symptom of a Larger Problem

"Black Folks are the only Group of People that Fight like Hell for the Right to Destroy Themselves"

The discussion around Chad Johnson is shockingly predictable after his Domestic Violence Arrest Saturday night. Per usual we take to the keyboards with our societal sensitivities and per usual we lean toward the victimization of the Black Male to make excuses for another high profile brotha. I wont call Chad's wife by name because we don't acknowledge that show here but I'll say this; demonetization of the "Basketball Wife" is patently unfair when Stevie Wonder could see her loud ass coming. WE create these people, WE create the over emphasis on Athletic Prowess in our communities and the shallow women who like Vampires live off of the energy of this emphasis. When are we going to police ourselves culturally like most groups do? when are we going to acknowledge that we are producing more touchdown machines than actual men?. High Profile Bruhs who make a living crying sociological foul will come out and decry the media jumping the gun just to get that coveted segment on CNN and Advance Book Sales..but they'll never call another Black Man out on his shit. Defending Bullshit has become a Black Thing; and the funny thing is excusing failure is one thing successful people (or groups) simply don't do, successful people call it what it is and attack it like ravenous wolves. We are an Amazing People and we seem to have the propensity to set up unofficial languages and synchronized efforts when it comes to certain things but when it comes to protecting our women ( Yes Puerto Rican Too) we have this blind spot. Why is it that Chris Browns punk ass is still walking and dancing? Why is it that we celebrate Athletes who've been violent towards women (Mayweather, Tyson) as if these men were simply misunderstood?. I understood as a boy that if you hit a girl, you were a punk and most likely going to get your ass kicked, what happened to those days?. Is it that our self esteem is so low we cant stomach the idea of discarding any black males regardless of conduct? regardless of the fact that we are destroying our girls and Women ...THE ACTUAL MITOCHONDRIAL connection To EVE?. In the age of Obama and seeing him kiss and honor our beautiful First Lady do we still feel this almost genetic urge to start making excuses for another Athlete? Really?. I don't, and I'm done, and i don't care how crazy the Basketball Wife is..that's another story for a later date. What would Malcolm say? If alive today I'm sure he would find this paradigm we are in as a declaration of WAR and he would (in his own words) "Say it Plain". Malcolm would say be Done with the weak, we don't need em, stop coddling these Rappers and Ballplayers and put your time and energy into glorifying MEN. He did this shit in College, but just like Penn State they covered it up because he could "take it to the house", generate that revenue for SUITS who don't give a Damn about the development of our young women. Malcolm would also say if your going to change your name it better be for your spiritual conversion~ not to give you a better platform for buffoonery. And if Malcolm were here and you called him a hater he'd tell you that you are absolutely correct, any self respecting Black Man should have a deep, bitter unbridled Hatred for Ignorance! Your Damn Right i'm a Hater. You see, when we venture down that road of talking about what kind of person the Basketball Wife was we are looking for ways to excuse Chad. When we start talking about how Women prey on these Ballers and Vilify them for their associations with these men we are excusing "men" from BASIC shit that real men practice like Discernment. When we Allow 35 yr. old Middle Aged men like Johnson and Mayweather to get arrested for this stuff and become Martyr's we are allowing the Cultural Suicide to fester and  Continue...and we aren't doing them any favors either. Chad could be anybody, he's just the latest, but what we need to do is take a long look in the mirror and start being honest about the problem- and the problem is US.

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