Monday, October 22, 2012

A-Rod: Declining,Overpaid, But still the Victim of Male Envy

I had the distinct pleasure of running into Alex Rodriguez back in 2008 coming out the YMCA. Several thoughts came to mind, and in this order: he's huge, why is he working out here? and at this time in the morning?, and who is that little steroid freak wearing the weight belt? and aren't dudes who wear weight belts out in public douche bags?. But the initial thought that flashed into my head for a brief moment ( and I'm not ashamed to say it) was "goddamn that's a good looking dude!". Full disclosure, not only am i straight but i could best be described as someone who is possessing of a healthy dose of self esteem-yeah that's how I'll put it. It didn't bother me to think that, and it was hilarious to my then girlfriend but ultimately i don't have to see Alex Rodriguez...every freakin day. That was then, A Rod was straight "raking" and on his way to his first World Series title and all was well in Yankee land despite the admitted PED use. Just win Baby. Today, off of one of the worst collective performances of plate futility in Yankee Playoff History the story isn't about the team but the guy the media loves to hate. Every little thing he says is red meat for NY media butchers despite every utterance coming from "the benign athletes guide to canned responses". He thinks any lineup with him in it is better, theres no surprise there-he's an elite athlete and if he's "through" trust me he wont get the news first. No, the rub with the NY Media is of a different more toxic strain, one that can only be enhanced by male envy. Yep, that's right i said it male envy, something most guys lie about as much as sexual performance-men have a special wrath for great looking guys who steal money and under perform. Joe Giradi had a good cover for benching A-Rod but the media jackals in NY turned up the heat bigtime after discovering that even in a moment of professional "shame" Rodriguez can get laid. And lets be clear here, it was an Australian bikini model, i repeat Australian bikini model, while Joe Sixpack was questioning A-Rods manhood..that's who he was talking to. He's not like you nor your favorite ballplayer and admit it,you hate him for it.Any survey of ex Major Leaguers would reveal that downtime is brutal, all manor of bullshit can go down in a clubhouse-some guys eat chicken, Alex prefers to pull a couple of chicks.This is something that strikes at the core and distrust of the loudest witch hunters; because Alex reminds these men of a darker time when  they couldn't get a date. Donald Trump, a rich guy who never pulled a woman without his wallet confessed he "never liked Alex" and i can see why. Rodriguez is the guy Donald's girlfriends give his money to when he's running around the world erecting monstrosities nobody can afford to stay in. The Jackals like to say he's uncomfortable in his own skin because the truth is they wish they were in his skin; i mean seriously what do you say to people who want to hate you?. Don't think the "Mean Girl" routine is concentrated within the media and fan base, it also extends to THE CAPTAIN, #2 DEREK JEEEEETER!!. Jeter is a noted cocksman, and he's celebrated by the NY Media because he's the clutch "winner guy". He also isn't a big guy, he's the kind of unassuming dude the media can look at and say to themselves.."that coulda been me", the genetic freak that is A-Rod gives them  no such comfort. Jeters cold shoulder towards Rodriguez was Brett Favre Epic and nobody blinked, nobody questioned the leadership qualities in a guy who would "ice out" someone who could've helped him win more.One "Pee Wee Reese moment" could have been the difference between 1 and 3 World Series Titles; but Alex was too threatening in ways no one would talk about for fear that it made Jeter look bad. The NY Media will never be featured in an ESPN "Body" issue so Jeters leadership failure only played to the pent up bias ALL average looking men have against dudes like A-Rod. Face it, women express their pent up envy by calling an unknown woman a "bitch" when she passes by and men take the more passive aggressive route by leaving guys like Alex to the wolves. So now the Yanks are looking to pay a portion of the crappy contract they gave Alex and ship him to one of those sunny places like Florida or California where he'll be comfortable around suntanned, vain people like himself. Mark Sanchez, another great looking guy will be soon to follow if he cant make the play-offs and the jackals will say he wasn't a "New Yorker". Men talk a good game about women exasperating situations and taking things too hard but trust me A-Rod not hitting isn't at the core of  this overreaction. He's not the first guy to get old, play through injury and fail in big moments nor will he be the last; he's just one of the few who do so under the hot spotlight held by men who in the words of Nino Brown didn't like his pretty ass anyway.

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